VIC Quotation-a
VIC Quotation-a

Vicryl 5 0 Ethicon VCP 303H Taper Point Cakramas

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Coated Vicryl 5 0 VCP303H Polyglactin 910

VIC Quotation-a
VIC Quotation-a

Benang bedah Operasi Vicryl 5 0 VCP303H (polyglactin 910) Ethicon bersifat Terserap, benang bedah synthetic braided suture, monofilament benang operasi sterile dari Ethicon Inc.

Two Female friendly
Two Female friendly cheerful Doctors or Nurses Isolated in office smiling and looking at camera.

Informasi Benang Ethicon

1. 70 cm
2. Violet
3. Taper
4. RB-1
5. 1/2C
6. (Needle 17mm|17mm|Single Needle 17mm}
7. Urologycal
8. Jual per Bx/36Pc Rp. 4.610.100
9. Hubungi Kami sekarang WA Fast Respond 0811945609 
10. Pembelian akan disertai Invoice dan faktur pajak

V5.0 VCP303 H
V5.0 VCP303 H

Kata Relevan

Coated Vicryl 5-0 VCP303H antibacterial with triclosan (“Vicryl Plus Antibacterial”) to provide antimicrobial protection of the suture line

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